Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Non-essential amino acids can be produced by the body and do not need to be obtained from food. Proteins are made up mainly of amino acids. However, certain amino acids, such as beta-alanine, are necessary to develop other chemicals in the body.
Beta-alanine is widely taken orally to enhance athletic ability and lean body mass in young people and improve physical performance in the elderly. It’s also used to treat menopause complications, but there’s no clinical evidence to back this up.
Before Googling’ best beta-alanine supplement bodybuilding‘, here are some things you need to know about this supplement.
Benefits of Beta-Alanine
Beta-alanine boosts athletic performance by decreasing fatigue, increasing stamina, and improving high-intensity exercise performance.
1. Increases The Time It Takes to Fatigue
Beta-alanine has been shown in experiments to help you achieve fatigue late (TTE).
To put it another way, it encourages you to work out for longer periods. A survey of cyclists found that taking best health nutritional supplements for four weeks improved overall work done by 13%, with a further 3.2 per cent improvement after ten weeks.
Similarly, after four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation, 20 men on a similar cycling test improved their time to fatigue by 13–14 per cent.
2. Benefits Short Duration Exercises
Muscle acidosis restricts the length of high-intensity exercise in general.
As a result, beta-alanine is especially effective during high-intensity, short-duration exercise lasting one to several minutes.
Taking beta-alanine for six weeks improved TTE by 19% during high-intensity interval training, according to one report (HIIT).
Another research found that 18 rowers who substituted for seven weeks were 4.3 seconds quicker than the placebo community in a 2,000-meter competition that lasted over six minutes.
3. Composition of the Body
According to some data, beta-alanine can help with body composition. Taking the supplement for three weeks increased lean muscle mass, according to one report.
Beta-alanine can help you lose weight by raising your training volume and promoting muscle development.
However, some reports suggest that there are no major changes in body structure or weight after treatment.
The Best Food Sources
Meat, eggs, and fish are the best sources of beta-alanine. It’s found in bigger molecules like carnosine and anserine, but as they’re digested, it breaks loose.
In comparison to omnivores, vegetarians and vegans have around 50% fewer carnosine in their muscles. While most people can get enough beta-alanine from their diets, supplements can help them get even more.
Recommendations for Dosage
Beta-alanine is typically taken in doses of 2–5 grams a day. Carnosine levels can be raised even further when taking beta-alanine with a meal. Beta-alanine supplements tend to be more effective than using carnosine to replenish muscle carnosine levels.
Side Effects and Safety
Excessive beta-alanine can induce paraesthesia, a strange feeling that is sometimes characterized as “tingling of the skin.” It usually affects the forehead, neck, and backs of the hands. The tingling becomes more intense as the dose is increased. Tiny doses — about 800 mg at a time — should be used to prevent it.